2019 Publications
Synthetic and living micropropellers for convection-enhanced nanoparticle transport
Simone Schuerle, Ava P. Soleimany, T. Yeh, G.M. Anand, M. Häberli, H.E. Fleming, Nima Mirkhani, Famin Qiu, Sabine Hauert, X. Wang, Bradley J. Nelson and Sangeeta N. Bhatia
Science Advances, vol. 5: no. 4, pp. eaav4803, Washington, DC: AAAS, 2019.
Rethinking human enhancement as collective welfarism
Daphne Bavelier, Julian Savulescu, Linda P. Fried, Theodore Friedmann, Corinna E. Lathan, Simone Schürle and John R. Beard
Nature Human Behaviour, vol. 3: no. 3, pp. 204-206, London: Nature Publishing Group, 2019.